
(ΦᴥΦ) pocket thoughts

2023 favourites

Apparently the last time I did a favourite's post..was in February, oops (-∧-;)!! I originally wanted to do these monthly but that's ..unlikely given my track record lol. I'd like to do it quarterly (in the future) so for now I'll just wrap this up into a 2023 favorites and try year lol. ___〆(・∀・)


I'm glad I took the time a few years ago to remember 700+ films and add them to my letterboxd account. Thankfully maintaining it has been easier - I got into the habit sometime last year to add the movie the day of or the day after to my watched list. The only issue is that..seeing my watchlist grow is giving me anxiety considering it just keeps piling on. (ಥ_ʖಥ) I watched a few classics this year namely 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Blair Witch Project and we got an advanced screening of the new Ghibli movie The Boy and the Heron but my favorite by a landslide was..


I don't know how I added this section last year. This is impossible, I have like 5 new favorite songs a month but I'll just pick this one (post-edit: nvm I picked two suckerrss post-post-edit: nvm I picked 4 LMAO) even though my Spotify wrapped says otherwise (ノωヽ)

I'm cheating and sneaking in one more song.. ¯_( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

And oneee more..

But MINDA's are by far my favorite, I love when a remix sounds completely different especially when the genre is something unexpected and it just works like this Cookie remix:

Ugh, so many albums this year, I need to do this quarterly instead lol. (ง ื▿ ื)ว I guess this is the year of many favourites and maybe I should just go wild and name them all instead of trying to force a handful or less. I listened to MFDoom some more this year and Andrew even bought me the MM..Food vinyl (we need to buy a vinyl player!!) And the Moon Remix RPG OST is absolutely incredible so atmospheric, it's criminal that it's not on Spotify. Anyways, I'll try to limit myself with this section too..(:3」∠)

pocket thoughts


I must admit - I started a handful of books this year but I have not finished any of them. This isn't to say that they're bad, I just haven't created a reading habit yet. I've been reading in bed before bedge time but I just..end up falling asleep which wasn't a problem I had before LMAO. ┐( ˘_˘ )┌

pocket thoughts

pocket thoughts

Video Games

There's been a solid amount of games this year that I've really enjoyed. The re-releases of Katamari have been so amazing (despite the fact that I bought a steam deck to emulate them LOL ╰(ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥ ╰) There was also Super Mario RPG remake that was a ton of fun, more ffxiv raiding (we cleared the tier in 3 weeks!!), Bomb Rush Cyberfunk which has such a funky soundtrack (but I need to's hard!!), and then the chokehold Mahjong Soul had on me and Andrew :(´ཀ`」 ∠): lol which then turned into us playing more PokemonGO and using it as an excuse to be more outdoorsy. BUT there's two games that really stood out this year and they were.......:




Okay there's been so many so I'll likely forget some but here we go..

pocket thoughts

pocket thoughts

WHEW, that was A LOT. It took me several days to write up this blog post which I guess means I had a pretty damn good 2023. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ I'm looking forward to 2024 and I'll do my best to blog more often so it doesn't take me days to post one entry LOL.

♡ ♡ ♡ and hope y'alls 2024 is great!!!
